§ 51.1995 - U.S. No. 1.

Latest version.
  • § 51.1995 U.S. No. 1.

    “U.S. No. 1” consists of filberts in the shell which meet the following requirements:

    (a) Similar type; and,

    (b) Dry.

    (c) Shells:

    (1) Well formed; and,

    (2) Clean and bright.

    (3) Free from:

    (i) Blanks; and,

    (ii) Broken or split shells.

    (4) Free from damage caused by:

    (i) Stains; and,

    (ii) Adhering husk; or,

    (iii) Other means.

    (d) Kernels:

    (1) Reasonably well developed; and,

    (2) Not badly misshapen.

    (3) Free from:

    (i) Rancidity;

    (ii) Decay;

    (iii) Mold; and,

    (iv) Insect injury.

    (4) Free from damage caused by:

    (i) Shriveling; and,

    (ii) Discoloration; or,

    (iii) Other means.

    (e) Size: The size shall be specified in connection with the grade in terms of minimum diameter, minimum and maximum diameters, or in accordance with one of the size classifications in Table I.

    Table I

    Size classifications Maximum size - Will pass through a round opening of the following size Minimum size - Will not pass through a round opening of the following size
    Round type varieties:
    Jumbo No maximum 5664 inch.
    Large 5664 inch 4964 inch.
    Medium 4964 inch 4564 inch.
    Small 4564 inch No minimum.
    Long type varieties:
    Jumbo No maximum 4764 inch.
    Large 4864 inch 4464 inch.
    Medium 4564 inch 3464 inch.
    Small 3564 inch. No minimum.

    (f) Tolerances: In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling, the following tolerances, by count, are permitted as specified:

    (1) For mixed types. 20 percent for filberts which are of a different type.

    (2) For defects. 10 percent for filberts which are below the requirements of this grade: Provided, That not more than one-half of this amount or 5 percent shall consist of blanks, and not more than 5 percent shall consist of filberts with rancid, decayed, moldy or insect injured kernels, including not more than 3 percent for insect injury.

    (3) For off-size. 15 percent for filberts which fail to meet the requirements for thesize specified, but not more than two-thirds of this amount, or 10 percent shall consist of undersize filberts.