§ 53.205 - Specifications for official U.S. standards for grades of slaughter bullocks (quality).  

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  • (a) Prime. (1) Slaughter bullocks possessing the minimum qualifications for the Prime grade have a moderately thick but smooth covering of fat which extends over the back, ribs, loin, and rump. The brisket and flanks show a marked fullness and the muscling is firm.

    (2) Bullocks qualifying for the minimum of the Prime grade will differ considerably in cutability because of varying combinations of muscling and degree of fatness. Bullocks with higher cutability than normal for this grade are thickly muscled and have a lower degree of fatness than described as minimum for the Prime grade. Such bullocks have less width of back and loin and are less uniform in width than described as typical for the Prime grade but the muscling is firmer than described. Conversely, bullocks with lower cutability than normal for this grade are thinly muscled and have a higher degree of fatness than described as minimum for the Prime grade.

    (b) Choice. (1) Slaughter bullocks possessing minimum qualifications for the Choice grade carry a slightly thick fat covering over the top. The brisket and flanks appear moderately full and the muscling is moderately firm.

    (2) Bullocks qualifying for the minimum of the Choice grade will differ considerably in cutability because of varying combinations of muscling and degree of fatness. Bullocks with higher cutability than normal for this grade are thickly muscled and have a lower degree of fatness than described as minimum for the Choice grade but the muscling is firmer than described. Conversely, bullocks with lower cutability than normal for this grade are thinly muscled and have a higher degree of fatness than described as minimum for the Choice grade.

    (c) Select. (1) Slaughter bullocks possessing minimum qualifications for the Select grade have a thin fat covering which is largely restricted to the back and loin. The brisket and flanks are slightly full and the muscling is slightly firm.

    (2) Bullocks qualifying for the minimum of the Select grade will differ considerably in cutability because of varying combinations of muscling and degree of fatness. Bullocks with higher cutability than normal for the grade are thickly muscled and have a lower degree of fatness than described as minimum for the Select grade. Such bullocks are less uniform in width than described as typical of the grade but the muscling is firmer than described. Conversely, bullocks with lower cutability than normal for this grade have thinner muscling and a higher degree of fatness than described as minimum for the Select grade.

    (d) Standard. (1) Slaughter bullocks possessing minimum qualifications for the Standard grade have only a very thin covering of fat which is largely restricted to the back, loin, and upper rib.

    (2) Bullocks qualifying for the minimum of this grade vary relatively little in their degree of fatness. Therefore, the range in cutability among bullocks that qualify for this grade is somewhat less than in the higher grades. Most of the cutability differences among bullocks qualifying for this grade are due to a wide range in muscling. Bullocks with higher cutability than normal for this grade may have a slightly lower degree of fatness than described but will have thick, well-rounded backs, wide loins, and prominent, thickly muscled shoulders. The width through the rounds will be greater than over the back. Bullocks with lower cutability than normal for this grade may have slightly more finish than described and will be upstanding and narrow. The loin, rump, and rounds will appear slightly sunken.

    (e) Utility. The Utility grade includes only those bullocks that do not meet the minimum requirements specified for the Standard grade.