§ 700.24 - Cost-sharing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The maximum cost-share for each project will be approved by the Secretary, taking into consideration the recommendation of the NCC. The Federal cost-share for each BMP shall not exceed 75 percent of the cost of carrying out the practice unless otherwise approved by the Administrator, FSA.

    (b) The combined cost-sharing by Federal, State, or Subdivision thereof shall not exceed 100% of the cost of carrying out the BMP.

    (c) The County ASC Committee(s) in consultation with the LCC will annually set maximum individual BMP cost-share rates for the project area.

    (d) BMPs to be cost shared must have a positive effect on water quality.

    (e) Cost sharing is not to be made available for measures installed primarily for:

    (1) Bringing additional land into crop production.

    (2) Increasing production on existing crop land.

    (3) Flood protection.

    (4) Structural measures authorized for installation under Pub. L. 83-566, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act.