§ 700.43 - Public benefits when installing BMP's.

Latest version.
  • All BPM's implemented under this program shall be in compliance with regulations promulgated under part 799 on environmental quality and related environmental concerns or similar regulations issued by a technical agency. Persons responsible for any aspect of performing BMPs shall carry out their responsibilities in such a way as to promote public benefits:

    (a) By improving or preserving environmental quality and ecological balance.

    (b) By preventing or abating pollution and other environmental degradation.

    (c) Benefiting the community by means such as preserving open space or enhancing the appearance of the area.

    (d) Benefiting wildlife and other desirable life forms.

    (e) Preserving historic, archaeological, or scenic sites, wetlands, ecologically critical areas and prime farmland.

    (f) Avoiding the creation of hazards to persons or animals.

    (g) Avoiding actions that may adversely affect an endangered or threatened species and flood plains.