§ 717.1 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In determining the meaning of the provisions in this part, unless the context indicates otherwise, words importing the singular include and apply to several persons or things, words importing the plural include the singular, words importing the masculine gender include the feminine as well, and words used in the present tense include the future as well as the present.

    (a) General terms. The definitions in part 719 of this chapter shall apply to this part. The provisions of part 720 of this chapter concerning the expiration of time limitations shall apply to this part.

    (b) Act. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and any amendments or supplements thereto.

    (c) Referendum community. For referenda conducted by mail ballot, the entire county shall be the referendum community. For referenda conducted at polling places, the referendum community shall conform with the community established by the State committee for purposes of elective areas under the regulations in the subpart—Selection and Functions of Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County and Community Committees in part 7, subtitle A, of this title (§ 7.7, 33 FR 12955), as amended from time to time: Provided, That a referendum community may be composed of an area differing from the community so established in the following cases:

    (1) A referendum community may be established by the county committee, with the approval of a representative of the State committee, to conform to a political township, a local voting precinct for purposes of general elections, or a combination of such townships or precincts;

    (2) A referendum community may be established by the county committee, if it determines eligible producers will be given a convenient place to vote, which consists of a combination of a community with less than 25 farms on which there are producers eligible to vote, with one or more communities; and

    (3) The entire county shall be the referendum community in counties with less than 100 farms on which there are producers eligible to vote unless the county committee, with the approval of the State committee, determines that more than one referendum community is needed in the county.

    The county committee shall maintain in the county office, and make available for public inspection, a descriptive list of the referendum communities established for the county for referenda conducted at polling places.