§ 717.13 - Community committee's reporting and record of results of referendum.  

Latest version.
  • The community referendum committee shall notify the county committee by telephone, telegraph, messenger, or in person of the preliminary count of the votes on each question and of the number of spoiled and challenged ballots, as soon as may be possible. All the spoiled ballots shall be placed in an envelope and sealed and marked with the initials of the chairman (or vice chairman) of the community referendum committee and the designation “Spoiled Ballots” followed by the number of spoiled ballots and the names of the community, the county and the State. The community referendum committee shall execute the certification as to the accuracy of the register of eligible voters and ballots cast. The community referendum committee shall then prepare and execute the community summary of ballots and post one copy thereof, as soon as it is executed, in a conspicuous place at the polling place, so that it will remain posted and accessible to the public for at least 3 calendar days after the holding of the referendum. The community referendum committee shall seal the voted ballots, including those challenged and spoiled, the register of eligible voters and ballots cast, and the community summary of ballots, in one or more envelopes appropriately identified by the names of the community, the county, and the State, and the nature of the referendum and the date on which it was held, and deliver them to the county committee not later than 9 a.m., local time, on the second calendar day after the date of the referendum, together with the unused ballot and other forms. The chairman (or vice chairman) of the community referendum committee shall be responsible for the safe delivery of such reports, ballots, and forms to the county committee.