§ 717.24 - Result of referendum.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Proclamation of result. The final and official tabulation of the votes cast in the referendum shall be made by the Deputy Administrator and the result of the referendum will be publicly proclaimed and published in the Federal Register. The State summaries and related papers shall be filed with such tabulation for a period of 5 years available for public inspection in the Department of Agriculture.

    (b) Unofficial announcements of result. Each county committee is authorized to issue unofficial reports of the total “Yes” and “No” votes in its county to the press and the public. Each State committee is authorized to issue to the press and the public the unofficial result of the referendum in its State by counties as rapidly as the votes in the various counties are reported to it.

    (c) Investigations. If the Deputy Administrator or the Secretary deems it necessary, the report of any community referendum committee, county committee, or State committee shall be reexamined and checked by such persons or agents as may be designated.