§ 717.5 - Community referendum committees.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Where one referendum is to be conducted. Except where the entire county is to be considered a referendum community, the county committee shall designate a community referendum committee for each referendum community. Each referendum committee shall consist of at least three regular members and one alternate. The membership of the referendum committee shall be chosen from among the farmers who reside in the community and who are eligible to vote in the referendum or who are community committeemen elected pursuant to the regulations in the subpart—Selection and Functions of Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County and Community committees (part 7 of this title). The county committee shall name one member of the community referendum committee as chairman and another member thereof as vice chairman. The vice chairman shall act as the chairman in the event of the absence or incapacity of the chairman and the alternate shall serve on the committee in the place of any regular member who cannot serve. The community referendum committee shall be responsible for the proper holding of the referendum in its community in a fair, unbiased and impartial manner in accordance with this part. In counties where the entire county is treated as one referendum community, the county committee shall perform, in addition to its other duties, the duties of the community referendum committee.

    (b) Where two or more referenda are to be conducted. Where two or more referenda are to be held in the county on the same day, the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section shall be applicable except that (1) the total number of farms on which there are producers eligible to vote in any one or more of such referenda shall be used to determine whether there are 100 or more farms on which there are producers who are eligible to vote in the referenda, and (2) each community referendum committee shall be chosen from among the farmers who reside in the community and who are eligible to vote in any of such referenda or who are community committeemen elected pursuant to the regulations in the subpart—Selection and Functions of Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County and Community committees (part 7 of this title).