§ 723.204 - Determination of farm yields and normal yields.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Flue-cured tobacco. The farm yield for an old farm shall be determined by multiplying the preliminary farm yield, if the farm has such a yield, by the national yield factor for the current year. The farm yield for new farms and old farms that do not have a preliminary yield shall be that yield, which the county FSA committee determines for the farm taking into consideration:

    (1) The soil and other physical factors affecting the production of tobacco on the farm, and

    (2) The farm yields determined for other farms on which the soil and other physical factors affecting the production of tobacco are similar.

    (b) Burley tobacco. The farm yield for a farm on which a farm yield has been established shall be the same in the current year as the farm yield previously established for the farm. For any farm not having a previously established yield, the county FSA committee shall establish a yield based on similar farms having a farm yield; however, such yield shall not exceed 3500 pounds.

    (c) All kinds of tobacco except burley and flue-cured. The normal yield for a farm shall be that yield which the county FSA committee determines is normal for the farm taking into consideration the yields obtained on the farm during any of the years of the base period for which data are available, the soil and other physical factors affecting the production of tobacco on the farm, and the yields obtained on other farms in the locality which are similar with respect to such factors. The normal yield first determined for a farm for any year in accordance with the foregoing provision shall serve as the normal yield for the farm for all purposes in connection with the tobacco marketing program for the year for which such normal yield is determined.