§ 723.211 - Allotments, quotas, and yields for farms acquired under right of eminent domain.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Determination of acreage allotments and marketing quotas. The determination of farm acreage allotments and marketing quotas for farms acquired by an agency having the right of eminent domain, the transfer of such allotments or quotas to a pool, and reallocation from the pool shall be administered as provided in part 718 of this chapter. Where all or a part of an allotment or quota is pooled, all or a proportionate part of the farm acreage allotment or marketing quota shall be pooled.

    (b) Closing dates. The State FSA committee shall establish, in accordance with instructions issued by the Deputy Administrator, a final date for:

    (1) Release. Releasing pooled farm acreage allotment or farm marketing quota to the county FSA committee for reapportionment to other farms in the county having allotments or quotas for the same kinds of tobacco.

    (2) Request for reapportionment. Filing a request to receive reapportioned acreage or quota from the county FSA committee for the current year.

    (c) Displaced owner release. The displaced owner of a farm may, not later than the final release date established by the State FSA committee for the current year, release in writing to the county FSA committee for the current year, all or any part of the acreage allotment or burley tobacco marketing quota for the farm in a pool under part 718 of this chapter for reapportionment for the current year by the county committee to other farms in the county having allotments or marketing quotas for the same kind of tobacco.

    (d) Reapportionment. The county FSA committee may reapportion, not later than 30 days after the final date established by the State FSA committee for requesting reapportioned acreage or marketing quota for the current year, the released acreage or quota or any part thereof to other farms in the county on the basis of the past farm acreage or marketings and the past farm acreage allotments or quotas for the same kind of tobacco; land, labor, and equipment available for the production of such kind of tobacco; crop rotation practices; and soil and other physical factors affecting the production of such kind of tobacco.

    (e) Effect of reapportionment. For purposes of establishing future farm allotments or quotas, any reapportioned allotment or quota shall not be considered as planted on the farm to which the allotment or quota was reapportioned.

    (f) Burley or flue-cured tobacco provisions. For burley or flue-cured tobacco:

    (1) Farm yield. The farm yield for a farm to which a pooled marketing quota is transferred shall be determined in accordance with instructions issued by the Deputy Administrator.

    (2) Undermarketings or overmarketings. The undermarketings of a farm acquired by eminent domain shall be added to the marketing quota for the receiving farm and the overmarketings of the acquired farm shall be subtracted from the marketing quota of the receiving farm.

    (3) Undermarketings while in eminent domain pool. The pooled quota is considered planted while in the pool. Therefore, for the purpose of determining undermarketings during the time the quota is pooled, the effective quota is considered to be zero.