§ 723.303 - Production of registered or certified flue-cured tobacco seed.  

Latest version.
  • Producers of registered or certified flue-cured tobacco seed may devote flue-cured tobacco acreage in excess of the effective allotment to seed production without such acreage of tobacco causing a “No Price Support” entry on the marketing card issued for the farm if an agreement is signed by the farm operator, and the producer, if different from the operator, which provides:

    (a) Destruction prior to harvest. For the destruction prior to harvest of all tobacco produced on the acreage designated for seed production.

    (b) Producer payment of compliance costs. That the producers shall pay the cost of compliance visits to a farm by representatives of the county FSA committee for the purposes of:

    (1) Designating and determining the acreage of seed production, and

    (2) Determining that no tobacco has been harvested from the acreage designated for seed production and to witness destruction of tobacco leaves.

    (c) Agreement. That the producer(s) signing the agreement shall agree to timely notify the county FSA office when the tobacco seed has been harvested.

    (d) No history credit. That the planting of the tobacco acreage for seed production will not create history acreage for the purpose of establishing future farm allotments.

    (e) Cancellation of marketing cards. That if the county FSA committee determines that any of the terms and conditions of the agreement have been violated or any material misrepresentation has been made, any marketing card issued for the farm in recognition of the agreement shall be recalled and canceled, and a marketing card shall be issued to reflect that tobacco produced on the farm is not eligible for price support.