§ 723.311 - Lien for penalty; liability of persons who are affiliated with indebted person or who permit the indebted person to use their identification card.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Lien on tobacco. Until the amount of any marketing quota penalty imposed under this part is paid, a lien shall exist in favor of the United States for the amount of the penalty on:

    (1) The tobacco with respect to which such penalty is incurred; and

    (2) Any other tobacco subject to marketing quotas in which the person liable for payment of the penalty has an interest and which is marketed in the same or a subsequent marketing year.

    (b) Lien precedence. The lien, described in paragraph (a) of this section, attaches at the time that the penalty is assessed. As to third parties, in the event of a lack of actual notice of the lien, then notice shall be deemed to occur when:

    (1) In the case of indebted producers, the debt is entered on the debt record maintained by the county FSA office of the county in which the tobacco was grown;

    (2) In the case of an indebted warehouse operator, the debt is entered on the debt record of the State FSA office for the State in which the warehouse is located; and

    (3) In the case of an indebted dealer, the debt is entered on the debt record of the State FSA office for the State in which the dealer is required to file reports.

    (c) Availability of list of marketing quota penalty debts. Each county and State FSA office shall maintain a list of tobacco marketing penalty debts which have been entered on the debt record in their office. The list shall be available for examination upon request by any interested person.

    (d) Liability for penalty owed by another person. (1) When a penalty in excess of $10,000 is incurred under this part by an entity, all persons who have a substantial ownership interest in the entity shall be jointly and severally liable with the entity for the payment of such penalty, unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Deputy Administrator that the violation was inadvertent. Substantial ownership interest shall be deemed to be any ownership interest greater than ten percent.

    (2) A dealer or warehouse operator who permits an indebted person to use such dealer's or warehouse operator's identification card to market tobacco shall be liable for the amounts due by the indebted person to the United States under this part up to the amount of the value of the tobacco so marketed. In addition, unless the Deputy Administrator determines otherwise, any persons or person, who as a warehouse operator or dealer becomes affiliated with any person who at the time of affiliation is indebted under this part to the United States, shall be liable for the amount of the debt owed to the United States by the person with whom such person or persons become affiliated up to the amount of the value of any tobacco which is marketed by such affiliated warehouse operator or dealer during the time of the affiliation with the indebted person. Affiliation may include any relationship in which the parties have a common interest in tobacco, or in an enterprise or entity involved in the marketing, processing, or handling of tobacco, or where the parties both hold a position of responsibility or ownership in such an enterprise or entity, or where there is common ownership of a business involved in the transaction. A warehouse operator or dealer may also be considered to be affiliated with an indebted person when such warehouse operator or dealer is associated with a person who is both:

    (i) An employee or otherwise authorized to buy and sell tobacco for such warehouse operator or dealer; and

    (ii) An indebted person or at the time of indebtedness incurred by an entity was a substantial owner or an officer of the indebted entity.

    Affiliation may also be deemed to occur where parties have traded in tobacco under circumstances which indicate that there may be a lack of arm's length trading between the parties such as where the parties engage in casual or undocumented transactions in significant quantities of tobacco, or where the parties have traded in tobacco with each other without a movement of the tobacco, or where there is a trading in tobacco without documentation of a significant exchange of money, or other circumstances which indicate an affiliation. Where questions of affiliation arise, it shall be the burden on the parties involved to show that trading in such tobacco was conducted in accordance with normal trade practices and was not part of a scheme or device to avoid payments of sums due the United States or the CCC.

    (e) TMQ lien notation. Upon notification that a TMQ lien has been established, the producer marketing card (MQ-76) or dealer identification card (MQ-79-2) shall be returned immediately to the issuing office for recording the TMQ lien. Failure to immediately return the applicable card will result in FSA notifying all registered warehouse operators and dealers of the TMQ lien information and of their responsibilities for collecting the TMQ lien. The card shall be promptly returned to the producer or dealer after it is annotated with the TMQ lien.