§ 723.411 - Records and reports regarding hauling, processing, and storage of tobacco.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Trucker records. Each trucker shall keep such records as will enable such trucker to furnish the State FSA office a report with respect to each lot of tobacco received by such trucker showing.

    (1) The name and address of the producer;

    (2) The date of receipt of the tobacco;

    (3) The number of pounds received;

    (4) The location where received; and

    (5) The name and address of the person to whom it was delivered.

    (b) Processor records. Each firm engaged in the business of processing tobacco shall keep records with respect to each lot of tobacco received by such firm showing:

    (1) The name and address of producer, dealer, warehouse operator, or other person for whom the tobacco was received.

    (2) The date of receipt of tobacco.

    (3) The number of pounds (green weight) received.

    (4) The purpose for which tobacco was received (redrying or stemming).

    (5) The amount of any advance or loan made by such person on the tobacco.

    (6) The disposition of the tobacco including the net weight of the tobacco processed and the number of containers by classification (strips, stems, scrap or leaf).

    (7) Person to whom delivered and pounds involved.

    Any such firm shall report this information to the State FSA office of the State in which the business is located within 15 days of the end of the marketing year, except for tobacco handled for an association operating the price support program and tobacco purchased at auction or tobacco which was previously reported on Form MQ-79. Where such firm qualifies for the exemption in § 723.405 of this part, such firm is required to report only such tobacco received that does not belong to such firm.

    (c) Records for stored tobacco. Each firm engaged in storing unprocessed tobacco shall keep records with respect to each lot of unprocessed tobacco received by such firm showing:

    (1) The name and address of producer, dealer, warehouse operator, marketing agent or other person for whom the tobacco was received;

    (2) The date and receipt of the tobacco;

    (3) The number of pounds received;

    (4) The amount of any advance or loan made by such firm;

    (5) The disposition of the tobacco; and

    (6) The person to whom delivered and the pounds involved.

    Any such firm shall report this information to the State FSA office of the State in which the business is located within 15 days of the end of the marketing year, except for tobacco handled for an association operating the price support program and tobacco purchased by such firm at auction or for which such firm had previously reported on Form MQ-79. Where such firm qualifies for the exemption in § 723.405 of this part, the firm is only required to report such tobacco received for storage that does not belong to such firm.