§ 729.309 - Persons to pay penalty or collect debts.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Marketings to handlers. The buyer shall be liable for the full penalty due on marketings of excess quota peanuts that such handler buys or otherwise acquires from a producer. Also, the buyer shall be liable with the producer for the full penalty due on peanuts purchased from a producer as additional peanuts in excess of the amount contracted with the producer as contract additional peanuts in accordance with part 1446 of this title. The buyer may deduct the penalty from the price paid to the producer for the peanuts. If the net value of a lot of peanuts is less than the penalty due on such lot, or if the handler fails to collect the penalty due on any marketing of a lot of peanuts from a farm, the buyer and each of the producers on the farm shall be held jointly and severally liable for the amount of any unpaid penalty due on such lot of peanuts.

    (b) Other marketings. The producer is liable for the penalty due on any marketings of excess quota peanuts to persons who are not established peanut buyers.

    (c) Penalty for error on marketing card. The producer and the buyer are jointly and severally liable for any penalties which may be due if the buyer made an error or failed to properly record the pounds of peanuts marketed on the producer's marketing card and such error resulted in marketings in excess of the effective poundage quota or the pounds contracted as additional peanuts in accordance with part 1446 of this title.

    (d) Notice to affected parties. All affected parties shall be deemed to be on notice that penalties are due when the marketings of peanuts for domestic edible use exceed the effective poundage quota indicated on the marketing card or the marketing of peanuts as contract additional peanuts exceeds the amount contracted by the producer as additional peanuts in accordance with part 1446 of this title. In addition:

    (1) PPQ lien. If a peanut poundage quota (PPQ) lien is recorded on a claim record maintained in a county FSA office in accordance with § 729.308 of this part or recorded on the peanut marketing card such recordation shall constitute notice to any peanut buyer that until the amount of the penalty involved plus accrued interest is paid, the United States has a lien on any peanuts, from any crop year that are subject to farm poundage quotas in which the person liable for payment of the penalty has an interest. Peanut poundage quota (PPQ) lien amounts shall be collected by the buyer and paid to the Farm Service Agency prior to making collection for any other liens or claims, except for a lien that was perfected before the PPQ lien became attached, as provided in § 729.308 of this part. Such buyer shall be liable for payment of such amount that was, or should have been, collected by the buyer.

    (2) U.S. claim. If a U.S. claim, other than for a PPQ lien, is recorded on a marketing card, such recordation shall constitute notice to any peanut buyer that, to the extent of the indebtedness shown, and subject to prior liens, the net proceeds from any price support loan due the debtor must be withheld from the producer and paid to the Farm Service Agency. Such buyer shall be liable for payment of such amount that was, or should have been, withheld.

    (3) Converted penalty rate. If a converted penalty rate is entered on the marketing card by the county FSA office, the buyer shall collect penalty at such converted penalty rate on each pound of peanuts acquired from the producers of the peanuts. Any penalty that is collected must be paid to the Farm Service Agency. Such buyer shall be liable for payment of such amount that was, or should have been, collected by the buyer.