§ 729.310 - Payment of penalty or other debt.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Method of payment. A draft, money order, or check made payable to the Farm Service Agency may be used to pay any penalty, other indebtedness collected in accordance with this subpart, or interest thereon. All methods of payment shall be received subject to collection and payment at face value.

    (b) Due date. The penalty becomes due on the date of marketing, or in the case of false identification or failure to account for the disposition of peanuts, the date the producer is notified of the false identification or the failure to account, as applicable.

    (c) Interest. The person liable for payment or collection of the penalty shall be liable also for interest thereon at the rate of interest charged CCC for its borrowings by the United States Treasury on the date such penalty became due. If the rate charged CCC by the Treasury is increased, the interest due on the penalty may be, to the extent permitted by law, increased commensurately for the period of such increase. Interest shall accrue from the date the penalty was due if the penalty is not remitted within 30 days after the date the penalty was assessed. Nothing in paragraph (c) of this section, shall limit the liability of a person for pre-penalty interest where otherwise provided for in this part or otherwise provided for by law.