§ 729.404 - Report of acquisition of seed peanuts.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If peanuts are planted on a farm in the current year and the seed peanuts were acquired by purchase or gift, the farm operator shall file a report with the county FSA office of the acquisition of the seed peanuts. The report must be filed by the farm operator at the time a report of planted acreage of peanuts is made in accordance with provisions of part 718 of this chapter. The report shall include:

    (1) The name and address of the handler or person from whom peanuts were purchased or obtained as a gift for the purpose of planting the peanut acreage on the farm in the current year;

    (2) The pounds of peanuts acquired for seed;

    (3) The basis (farmers stock or shelled) of determining the quantity acquired;

    (4) The type of peanuts acquired; and

    (5) The date of acquisition.

    (b) Unique strains of peanuts that are not commercially available and are retained on a farm to plant green peanuts shall also be reported to the county FSA office.