§ 729.405 - Report of production and disposition.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In addition to any other reports which may be required under this subpart, the farm operator or any producer on the farm shall furnish, upon written request by certified mail from the State Executive Director, a report to the State committee of production and disposition of the peanuts grown on the farm. The report must be filed on FSA-1010, Report of Production and Disposition, within 15 days after the request is mailed. The report shall show the:

    (1) Final acreage of peanuts on the farm;

    (2) Total production of peanuts on the farm;

    (3) Name and address of the buyer to or through whom each lot of peanuts was marketed, the number of pounds in each lot, and the date marketed:

    (4) Quantity and disposition of peanuts not marketed; and

    (5) Type of peanuts.

    (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, if peanuts are marketed in small lots to persons who are not established buyers, the report otherwise required in paragraph (a) of this section, may be made as either a daily or weekly summary of the number of pounds marketed and the place of marketing may be reported in lieu of the name and address of each buyer.

    (c) Failure to file the FSA-1010 as requested or the filing of an FSA-1010 which is found by the State committee to be incomplete, incorrect, or in violation of the requirements of paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, shall constitute failure of the producer to account for the production and disposition of peanuts produced on the farm and will subject the producer to marketing penalties as set forth in this part.