§ 735.16 - Form.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Every receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for cotton stored in a licensed warehouse shall, in addition to complying with the requirements of section 18 of the act, embody within its written or printed terms the following:

    (1) The name of the licensed ware-house-man and the designation, if any, of the warehouse;

    (2) The license number of the warehouse;

    (3) A statement whether the ware-house-man is incorporated or unincorporated, and, if incorporated, under what laws;

    (4) In the event the relationship existing between the ware-house-man and any depositor is not that of strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationship;

    (5) The tag identifier given to each bale of cotton in accordance with § 735.31;

    (6) A statement conspicuously placed, whether or not the cotton is insured, and if insured, to what extent, by the ware-house-man, against loss or damage by fire, lightning and other risks;

    (7) The words “Not Negotiable,” or “Negotiable,” according to the nature of the receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stamped thereon;

    (8) A blank space designated for the purpose in which the grade and/or other classification may be stated; and

    (9) A statement indicating that the weight was determined by a weigher licensed under the U.S. Warehouse Act, except that if at the request of the depositor, the weight is not so determined or if the point of origin weight was determined as permitted in § 735.38, the receipt shall contain a statement to that effect.

    (b) Except when an expiration date authorized by the Department is shown on the face of the receipt, every negotiable receipt issued for cotton stored in a licensed warehouse shall be effective until surrendered for delivery of the cotton, and every non-negotiable receipt shall be effective until surrendered for delivery of the cotton or until all cotton covered by the receipt has been delivered in response to proper delivery orders of the person rightfully entitled to the cotton: Provided, that nothing contained in this section shall prohibit a warehouseman from legally selling the cotton when the accrued storage and other charges approach the current market value of the cotton.

    (c) In addition to complying with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, every negotiable receipt issued for cotton stored in a licensed warehouse shall embody within its written or printed terms a statement that the cotton covered by such receipt was classified by a licensed classifier or a board of cotton examiners when such cotton is so classified.

    (d) Whenever the grade or other class of the cotton is stated in a receipt issued for cotton stored in a licensed warehouse, such grade or other class shall be determined by a licensed classifier or a board of cotton examiners upon the basis of a sample drawn in accordance with § 735.71, and shall be stated in the receipt in accordance with §§ 735.68 through 735.74.

    (e) If, at the request of the depositor, a warehouseman issues a receipt omitting the statement of grade and/or weight, such receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the electronic warehouse receipt record, either one or both of the following: “Not graded on request of the depositor” or “Not weighed on request of the depositor,” as applicable.

    (f) Licensed receipts issued to cover linters shall be clearly and conspicuously marked “Linters”.

    (g) If a warehouseman issue a receipt under the act omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made by the warehouseman.

    (h) A warehouse receipt may contain additional information; Provided that such information does not interfere with the information required by this part.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0560-0120)