§ 735.54 - Sampler's, classifier's, and weigher's applications.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applications for licenses to sample, classify and/or weigh cotton under section 11 of the act shall be made to the Administrator on forms furnished for the purpose by him.

    (b) Each such application shall be in English, shall be signed by the applicant, shall be verified by him, under oath or affirmation administered by a duly authorized officer, and shall contain or be accompanied by—

    (1) The name and location of a warehouse or warehouses licensed, or for which application for license has been made, under the act, in which cotton sought to be sampled, classified and/or weighed under such license is or may be stored;

    (2) A statement from the warehouseman conducting such warehouse showing whether or not the applicant is competent and is acceptable to such warehouseman for the purpose;

    (3) Satisfactory evidence that he is competent to sample, classify and/or weigh cotton;

    (4) A statement by the applicant that he agrees to comply with and abide by the terms of the act and the regulations in this part so far as the same may relate to him; and

    (5) Such other information as the Administrator may deem necessary:

    Provided, That when an application for a license to classify cotton is filed by a person who does not intend to classify cotton for any particular licensed warehouseman but who does intend to classify cotton stored or to be stored in a licensed warehouse and to issue class certificates therefor, as provided for by the act and the regulations in this part, independent of the warehouse receipts issued to cover such cotton, it shall not be necessary to furnish such statement as is required in this paragraph.

    (c) For the purpose of classifying cotton under the regulations in this part, each licensed classifier who holds an unsuspended or unrevoked license under the Cotton Standards Act of March 4, 1923, and regulations thereunder to classify cotton and certificate the grade thereof shall be deemed competent and a license may be issued to him under the United States Warehouse Act upon furnishing the information required by paragraph (b) of this section except as specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

    (d) The applicant shall at any time furnish such additional information as the Secretary, or his designated representative, shall find to be necessary to the consideration of his application.

    (e) A single application may be made by any person for a license as a sampler, classifier and weigher upon complying with all the requirements of this section.