§ 735.81 - Cotton appeal certificate.  

Latest version.
  • When an appeal filed with a board of cotton examiners has been determined, it shall immediately issue a cotton appeal certificate. When an appeal has been determined by a cotton examiner he shall issue a notice, a copy of which shall be sent by him to all parties shown by the record of the appeal to have an interest therein. In such notice the grade or other class assigned by him to the cotton involved in the appeal shall be stated, and any such interested party shall have a reasonable time, fixed in such notice, within which he may request of the Administrator a review of the appeal by a board of cotton examiners. In case such request is not filed with such cotton examiner in the time fixed therefor, or in case within such time every such interested party waives in writing a review by a board of cotton examiners, the cotton examiner shall immediately issue a cotton appeal certificate showing the grade or other class assigned to the cotton by him. In case a request under this section for a review of an appeal is filed within the time fixed for the filing of such request, the cotton examiner shall note in his records the time of such filing and shall immediately notify the Administrator, who shall cause the appeal to be reviewed and a cotton appeal certificate issued showing the grade or other class assigned upon such review. Immediately upon the issuance of a cotton appeal certificate under this section, the original thereof, together with any receipt covering such cotton filed in the appeal, shall be sent to the licensed warehouseman concerned, and a copy shall be sent to each other person shown by the record of the appeal to be interested therein.