Warehouse Receipts
§ 736.18 - Form.
§ 736.19 - Grain must be inspected and weighed.
§ 736.20 - Copies of receipts.
§ 736.21 - Lost or destroyed receipts; bond.
§ 736.22 - Printing of receipts.
§ 736.23 - Partial delivery of grain.
§ 736.24 - Return of receipts before delivery of grain.
§ 736.25 - Nonnegotiable receipts.
§ 736.26 - Omission of grade; no compulsion by warehouseman.
§ 736.27 - Loading out without weighing.
§ 736.28 - Persons authorized to sign receipts.
§ 736.29 - Receipts; basis for issuance.
§ 736.30 - Receipts for stored grain.
§ 736.31 - No receipts for screenings.
§ 736.32 - Canceled receipts; auditing.
Grain Grading
§ 736.76 - Grade; statement.
§ 736.77 - Official Standards of the United States.
§ 736.78 - Standards of grades for other grain.
§ 736.79 - Grades based on inspection and sample.
Warehouse Bonds
§ 736.13 - Bond required; time of filing.
§ 736.14 - Amount of bond; additional amounts.
§ 736.15 - Amendment to license.
§ 736.16 - New bond required each year.
§ 736.17 - Approval of bond.
Terminal and Futures Contract Markets
§ 736.103 - Futures contract markets defined.
§ 736.104 - Licenses to weigh grain; futures markets.
§ 736.105 - Registrar of warehouse receipts; futures contract market.
§ 736.108 - Additional bonding required.
§ 736.109 - Examination of warehouses; board of trade interest.
§ 736.110 - Registration of public warehouse receipts; protection.
§ 736.111 - Terminal markets.
§§ 736.106--736.107 - [Reserved]
Warehouse Licenses
§ 736.3 - Application form.
§ 736.4 - Scales; bin numbers.
§ 736.5 - [Reserved]
§ 736.6 - Financial requirements.
§ 736.7 - Grounds for not issuing license.
§ 736.8 - Posting of license.
§ 736.9 - Warehouse license; suspension; revocation.
§ 736.10 - Return of suspended or revoked license.
§ 736.11 - Lost or destroyed warehouse license.
§ 736.12 - Unlicensed warehousemen must not represent themselves as licensed.
§ 736.3a - All facilities to be licensed or exempted.
Inspectors and Weighers
§ 736.61 - Inspectors’ and weighers’ applications.
§ 736.62 - Examination.
§ 736.63 - Posting of license.
§ 736.64 - Duties of inspector and weigher.
§ 736.65 - Inspection certificate; form.
§ 736.66 - Copies of certificate to be accessible.
§ 736.67 - Weight certificate.
§ 736.68 - Certificate; grade and weight.
§ 736.69 - Copies of certificates to be kept.
§ 736.70 - Inspections.
§ 736.71 - Reports.
§ 736.72 - Licenses; suspension or revocation.
§ 736.73 - Suspended or revoked license; termination of license.
§ 736.74 - Lost or destroyed licenses.
§ 736.75 - Unlicensed inspectors and weighers.
§ 736.57 - License fees.
§ 736.58 - Warehouse annual and inspection fees.
§ 736.59 - Advance deposit.
§ 736.60 - Return of excess deposit.
§ 736.1 - Meaning of words.
§ 736.2 - Terms defined.
Grain Appeals
§ 736.80 - Appeal procedure.
§ 736.81 - Request for appeal.
§ 736.82 - Appeal sample—obtaining, preservation, delivery and examination.
§ 736.83 - Dismissal of appeal.
§ 736.84 - Freedom of appeal.
§ 736.85 - Owner not compelled to store.
§§ 736.86--736.95 - [Reserved]
§ 736.96 - Bonds required; re State warehouses.
§ 736.97 - Publications.
§ 736.98 - Information of violations.
§ 736.99 - Procedure in hearings.
§ 736.100 - One document and one license to cover several products.
§ 736.101 - Assets and bond; combination warehouses.
§ 736.102 - Amendments.
Duties of Warehouseman
§ 736.33 - Insurance; requirements.
§ 736.34 - Records; safe keeping.
§ 736.35 - Warehouse charges.
§ 736.36 - Business hours.
§ 736.37 - System of accounts.
§ 736.38 - Reports required.
§ 736.39 - Inspections; examination of warehouse.
§ 736.40 - Care of grain in licensed warehouses.
§ 736.41 - Care of other grain and other commodities.
§ 736.42 - Excess storage.
§ 736.43 - Removal of specially stored grain.
§ 736.44 - Grades and weights; bulk grain.
§ 736.45 - Storage of identity-preserved grain.
§ 736.46 - Sacked grain.
§ 736.47 - Warehouses to be kept clean.
§ 736.48 - Delivery of fungible grain.
§ 736.49 - Cleaning of grain.
§ 736.50 - Grades; separate in storage.
§ 736.51 - Stocks to be in balance by grades.
§ 736.52 - Out-of-condition and damaged grain.
§ 736.53 - Reconditioning grain.
§ 736.54 - Notice of condition of grain.
§ 736.55 - Sale of grain at public auction.
§ 736.56 - Identity-preserved grain; acceptance.