§ 736.110 - Registration of public warehouse receipts; protection.  

Latest version.
  • When a contract market designates any agency for the registration of public warehouse receipts and such agency is approved as provided for in § 736.105, all warehouse receipts shall be registered with the registrar and any change in ownership of a warehouse receipt shall be reported to the registrar by the owner thereof, giving his name and address to the registrar. All registered receipts shall be entitled to the following protection:

    (a)(1) Whenever any licensed warehouseman considers that any grain stored in his warehouse is out of condition, or becoming so, and should be loaded out in order to protect the interests of the parties concerned, such warehouseman shall notify the registrar and the Administrator, giving the location, approximate quantity, grades, and condition of such grain, and the specific reason which makes loading out necessary. The registrar shall immediately notify the chief sampler, if there be one, otherwise the chief inspector, of the contract market who shall at once proceed to the warehouse in which the grain is stored and examine it, in conjunction with the licensed warehouseman. If the chief sampler, or chief inspector, agrees with the warehouseman that the grain should be loaded out, he shall so notify the registrar and the Administrator. If the chief sampler does not agree with the warehouseman, the latter shall have the right to appeal to the Administrator who shall appoint an appeals committee as provided in § 736.107. If, on such appeal, the warehouseman is sustained, the registrar shall be notified and such warehouse receipts as are selected as provided in this section shall no longer be regular for delivery in satisfaction of futures contracts made under the rules and regulations of such contract market.

    (2) The registrar shall thereupon select the oldest registered warehouse receipt for grain of the grade involved and such additional next oldest registered warehouse receipts in the order of their issuance as may be necessary to equal the total quantity of the grain involved, unless such grain has been stored identity preserved, and shall notify such holder or holders or their agents and the president of the contract market of the condition of the grain and the necessity for its being loaded out. When this information reaches the president of the contract market he shall appoint a committee consisting of five disinterested handlers of cash grain, and notify the Administrator of the appointment of said committee giving the name, address, and business of each member. Each member of said committee shall be subject to disapproval by the Administrator. If no exception is taken to the committee membership during the same business day by the Administrator, the committee shall meet at once, and after taking into consideration various factors that establish the value of the grade of grain called for by the receipts held by such owner or owners, shall determine the fair value of the grain on the basis of the market quotations for grain of the grade called for by the receipts on the day of the finding of the appeals committee that the grain should be loaded out, which price shall be paid to the owner or holder of each such receipt by the licensed warehouseman. If the price offered is not satisfactory to any such owner or holder, a committee appointed by the president of such contract market at the request of such owner or holder shall procure other offers for such grain and such offers shall be immediately reported to such owner or holder or to his agent. If the owner refuses to accept any such offers he shall have the 2 following business days to order and furnish facilities for loading such grain out of store and during this period the warehouseman shall be obliged to deliver the grain covered by the warehouse receipts, but not more than 3 days shall elapse after notification by the registrar to the holder of the receipts before satisfactory disposition shall have been made of the grain either by sale or by ordering out and furnishing facilities to load same, provided the amount of such grain does not exceed 100,000 bushels in any one elevator. If the amount of grain in question exceeds 100,000 bushels, the owner or owners of the warehouse receipts shall be allowed 48 hours of grace over and above the aforementioned 3 days for each 100,000 bushels or fraction thereof in excess of the first 100,000 bushels.

    (b) In the event that the holder of the warehouse receipt or his agent fails to remove the grain or make other satisfactory disposition of same within the prescribed time it shall be held for his account and any loss in grade sustained shall likewise be for his account.

    (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the ware- houseman from fulfilling contracts from other stocks under his control, subject to the U.S. Warehouse Act and regulations thereunder.