§ 736.14 - Amount of bond; additional amounts.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The amount of bond to be furnished for each warehouse under the regulations in this part shall be fixed at a rate of 20 cents per bushel for the first 1,000,000 bushels of licensed capacity; 15 cents per bushel for the next 1,000,000 bushels of licensed capacity; and 10 cents per bushel for all licensed capacity over 2,000,000 bushels: Provided, That in any case the amount of bond shall not be less than $20,000 nor more than $500,000, except as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section. The licensed capacity shall be the maximum number of bushels of grain that the warehouse could accommodate as determined under § 736.6(d).

    (b) In case a warehouseman is licensed or is applying for licenses to operate two or more warehouses in the same State he may give a single bond meeting the requirements of the Act and the regulations in this part to cover all his warehouses within the State. In such case the warehouses to be covered by the bond shall be deemed to be one warehouse only for purposes of determining the amount of bond required under paragraph (a) of this section.

    (c) In case of a deficiency in net assets above the $50,000 minimum required under § 736.6(d)(1), there shall be added to the amount of bond determined in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section an amount equal to such deficiency or a letter of credit in the amount of the deficiency issued to the Secretary for a period of not less than two years to coincide with the period of any deposit of obligation under 7 CFR 736.13(c). Any letter of credit must be clean, irrevocable, issued by a commerical bank, payable to the Secretary by sight draft and insured as a deposit by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. If the Secretary, or his designated representative, finds that conditions exist which warrant requiring additional bond, there shall be added to the amount of bond as determined under the other provisions of this section, a further amount to meet such conditions.