§ 736.21 - Lost or destroyed receipts; bond.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In the case of lost or destroyed receipts, if there be no statute of the United States or law of a State applicable thereto a new receipt upon the same terms, subject to the same conditions, and bearing on its face the number and the date of the receipt in lieu of which it is issued and a plain and conspicuous statement that it is a duplicate receipt issued in lieu of a lost or destroyed receipt, may be issued upon compliance with the conditions set out in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (b) Before issuing such new or duplicate negotiable receipt the warehouseman shall require the depositor or other person applying therefor to make and file with him (1) an affidavit showing that the applicant is lawfully entitled to the possession of the original receipt, that he has not negotiated or assigned it, how the original receipt was lost or destroyed, and if lost, that diligent effort has been made to find the receipt without success, and (2) a bond in an amount double the value, at the time the bond is given, of the grain represented by the lost or destroyed receipt. Such bond shall be in a form approved for the purpose by the Secretary, or his designated representative, shall be conditioned to indemnify the warehouseman against any loss sustained by reason of the issuance of such receipt, and shall have a surety thereon a surety company which is authorized to do business, and is subject to service of process in a suit on the bond, in the state in which the warehouse is located or at least two individuals who are residents of such state and each of whom owns real property therein having a value, in excess of all exemptions and encumbrances, equal to the amount of the bond.

    (c) Before issuing such new or duplicate non-negotiable receipt, obtain a written statement from the holder that the original non-negotiable receipt is lost and requires the issuance of a duplicate non-negotiable receipt.