§ 736.27 - Loading out without weighing.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When the lawful owner of an entire lot of identity preserved grain or a mass of grain stored in a single bin requests the warehouseman to deliver said lot or mass without reweighing said grain, the warehouseman may make such delivery if there is an accurate record of the weight of such grain when received. Such deliveries shall be made only when the lawful owner agrees to assume all shortages and other risks incidental thereto, and after the warehouse receipts covering all of the grain in the container have been surrendered to the warehouseman and canceled. After the receipts covering such grain have been surrendered for cancellation no other grain shall be placed in the bin until the entire lot has been delivered.

    (b)(1) When the lawful owner of fungible grain requests the warehouseman to deliver grain out of the warehouse without weighing, the ware- houseman may, but is not compelled to, make such delivery provided the grain is to be moved into another warehouse in the United States where weights can be established. The weights established at the receiving warehouse must be supervised by an independent weighing agency unless the shipping warehouse and the receiving warehouse are operated by the same warehouseman, or unless destination weights are available within 24 hours of shipment. Whenever a warehouseman delivers fungible grain out of a warehouse without weighing, the weight of the grain unloaded at the receiving warehouse shall be the weight used to determine fulfillment of the shipping warehouseman's delivery obligations.

    (2) When fungible grain is delivered out of the warehouse without weighing, the warehouseman shall estimate as accurately as possible the weight of the grain delivered out and shall promptly obtain destination weights from the receiving warehouse. Should the Administrator determine that such estimated weights are not reasonably accurate, or that destination weights are not promptly obtained, or that destination weights are not supervised by an independent weighing agency when required, he may thereafter require the warehouseman to weigh all fungible grain delivered out of the warehouse.

    (3) Any weight certificate issued covering grain delivered out of the warehouse without being weighed must state in bold letters on the face of the certificate the fact that the weight is an estimated weight.