§ 736.33 - Insurance; requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each warehouseman, when so requested in writing as to any grain by the depositor thereof or lawful holder of the receipt covering such grain, shall, to the extent to which, in the exercise of due diligence, he is able to procure such insurance, keep such grain while in his custody as a warehouseman insured in his own name or arrange for its insurance otherwise to the extent so requested, against loss or damage by fire, lightning, and/or tornado. When insurance is not carried in the warehouseman's name, the receipts shall show that the grain is not insured by the warehouseman. Such insurance shall be covered by lawful policies issued by one or more insurance companies authorized to do such business, and subject to service of process in suits brought in the State where the warehouse is located. If the warehouseman is unable to procure such insurance to the extent requested, he shall, orally or by telegraph or by telephone immediately notify the person making the request of the fact. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the warehouseman from adopting a rule that he will insure all grain stored in his warehouse.

    (b) Each warehouseman shall comply fully with the terms of insurance policies or contracts covering his licensed warehouse and all products stored therein, and shall not commit any acts, nor permit his employees to do anything, which might impair or invalidate such insurance.

    (c) Each warehouseman shall keep exposed conspicuously in the place prescribed by § 736.8, and at such other place as the Administrator or his representative may from time to time designate, a notice stating briefly the conditions under which the grain will be insured against loss or damage by fire, lightning, and tornado.

    (d) Each warehouseman shall, in accordance with his contracts with insurance and bonding companies for the purpose of meeting the insurance and bonding requirements of the regulations in this part, pay such premiums, permit such reasonable inspections and examinations, and make such reasonable reports as may be provided for in such contracts.

    (e) Each warehouseman shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary and proper to collect any moneys which may become due under contracts of insurance entered into by him for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the regulations in this part, and shall, as soon as collected, promptly pay to the persons concerned any portion of such moneys which they may be entitled to receive from him.

    (f) If at any time a fire occurs at or within any licensed warehouse, it shall be the duty of the warehouseman to report immediately the occurrence of such fire and the extent of damage to the Administrator.