§ 736.65 - Inspection certificate; form.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each inspection certificate issued under the act by an inspector shall be in a form approved for the purpose by the Department, and shall embody the following information within its written or printed terms:

    (1) The caption “United States Warehouse Act, Grain Inspection Certificate”,

    (2) Whether it is an original, a duplicate, or other copy, and that it is not negotiable,

    (3) The name and location of the warehouse in which the grain is or is to be stored,

    (4) A statement showing whether the inspection covers grain moving into or out of the warehouse,

    (5) The date of the certificate,

    (6) The consecutive number of the certificate,

    (7) The approximate amount of grain covered by the certificate,

    (8) The kind of grain covered by the certificate,

    (9) The grade of the grain, as determined by such duly licensed inspector, in accordance with § 736.76, and, in the case of grain for which no official standards of the United States are in effect, the standards or description in accordance with which such grain is graded.

    (10) A statement that the certificate is issued by an inspector licensed under the United States Warehouse Act and the regulations thereunder,

    (11) A statement conspicuously placed to the effect that the certificate is not valid for the purposes of the United States Grain Standards Act, and

    (12) The signature of the inspector who inspected and graded the grain.

    In addition, the inspection certificate may include any other matter not inconsistent with the Act or the regulations in this part, provided the approval of the Service is first secured.

    (b) In lieu of an inspection certificate in the form prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section an official inspection certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of the United States Grain Standards Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 71 et seq.) or the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1621 et seq.) on grain which is stored or to be stored in a warehouse licensed under the U.S. Warehouse Act will be acceptable for purposes of the Act and the regulations in this part.