§ 736.96 - Bonds required; re State warehouses.  

Latest version.
  • Every person applying for a license, or licensed under section 9 of the act shall, as such, be subject to all portions of the regulations in this part, so far as they may relate to warehousemen. In case there is a law of any State providing for a system of warehouses owned, operated or leased by such State, a person applying for a license under section 9 of the act, to accept the custody of grain and to store the same in any of said warehouses, may, in lieu of a bond or bonds, complying with §§ 736.13 and 736.14, file with the Secretary, or his designated representative, a single bond meeting the requirements of the act and this part, in such form, and in such amount not less than $5,000 as he shall prescribe, to insure the performance by such person, with respect to the acceptance of the custody of grain and its storage in the warehouses in such system for which licenses are or may be issued, of his obligations arising during the periods of such licenses, and in addition, if desired by the applicant, during the periods of any amendments thereto. In fixing the amount of such bond, consideration shall be given, among other appropriate factors, to the character of the warehouses involved, their actual or contemplated capacity, the bonding requirements of the State and its liability with respect to such warehouses. If the Secretary, or his designated representative, shall find the existence of conditions warranting such action, there shall be added to the amount of the bond, so fixed, a further amount, fixed by him, to meet such conditions.