§ 737.2 - Terms defined.

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this part, unless otherwise provided, the following terms shall mean:

    (a) The act. The United States Warehouse Act, approved August 11, 1916 (39 Stat. 486; 7 U.S.C. 241-273), as amended.

    (b) Person. An individual, corporation, partnership, or two or more persons having a joint or common interest.

    (c) Secretary. “Secretary” means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States or any officer or employee of the Department to whom authority has heretofore been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter be delegated, to act in his stead.

    (d) Designated representative. The Administrator.

    (e) Department. The United States Department of Agriculture.

    (f) Service. The Farm Service Agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    (g) Administrator. The Administrator of the Service, or any other officer or employee of the Service to whom authority has heretofore lawfully been delegated, or may hereafter lawfully be delegated, to act in his stead.

    (h) Regulations. Rules and regulations made under the act by the Secretary.

    (i) Warehouse. Unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context, any suitable building, structure, or other protected inclosure in which tobacco is or may be stored for interstate or foreign commerce, or, if located within any place under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, in which tobacco is or may be stored and for which a license has been issued under the act.

    (j) Warehouseman. Any person lawfully engaged in the business of storing tobacco and holding a warehouse license.

    (k) License. A license issued under the act by the Secretary.

    (l) Type. Any one of the main classes of tobacco having certain peculiar characteristics which will permit of its being divided into a single system of grades.

    (m) Grade. Any one of the divisions of a type, which may be a combination of any or all of the four factors, group, quality, color, and length.

    (n) Form. The designation of the stage of preparation of tobacco, such as unstemmed, stemmed, stems, etc.

    (o) Condition. Any state of tobacco which is not covered by form or grade and which has a material bearing on its value, including its keeping quality.

    (p) Sampler. A person licensed under the act by the Secretary to sample and to certificate or tag and seal samples of tobacco drawn by him under the act.

    (q) Inspector. A person licensed under the act by the Secretary to inspect and to certificate the keeping quality of the tobacco in addition to the performance of the duties of a sampler.

    (r) Grader. A person licensed under the act by the Secretary to grade and to certificate the type, grade, form, and condition of tobacco.

    (s) Weigher. A person licensed under the act by the Secretary to weigh and certificate the weight of tobacco.

    (t) Package. A hogshead, tierce, case, or other unit.

    (u) Official sample. A sample of a package of tobacco drawn, tagged, and prepared by a sampler in accordance with §§ 737.55 through 737.56.

    (v) Receipt. A warehouse receipt.

    (w) State. A State, Territory, or District of the United States.