§ 737.39 - Tobacco out of condition.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the warehouseman, with the approval of a licensed inspector or grader shall determine that any tobacco is deteriorating and that such deterioration can not be stopped, the warehouseman shall give immediate notice of the fact in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

    (b) Such notice shall state: (1) The warehouse in which the tobacco is stored; (2) the actual condition of the tobacco as nearly as can be ascertained, and the reason, if known, for such condition; (3) the outstanding receipts covering the tobacco out of condition, giving the number and date of each such receipt and the type, grade, form, condition, and weight of the tobacco as stated in each such receipt; and (4) that such tobacco will be delivered upon the return and surrender of the receipts therefor.

    (c) A copy of such notice shall be delivered in person or shall be sent by mail (1) to the persons holding the receipts, if known to the warehouseman; (2) to the person who originally deposited the tobacco; (3) to any other persons known by the warehouseman to be interested in the tobacco; and (4) to the Administrator. Public notice shall also be given by posting a copy of such notice at the place where the warehouseman is required to post his license. A copy of such notice shall be kept as a record of the warehouse. If the holders of the receipts and the owners of the tobacco are known to the warehouseman and cannot, in the regular course of the mails, be reached within 36 hours, the warehouseman shall, whether or not requested so to do, also immediately notify such persons by telegraph or telephone at their expense.

    (d) Any person financially interested in any tobacco or the receipt covering such tobacco stored in a licensed warehouse may, in writing, notify the warehouseman of the fact of his interest, and such warehouseman shall keep a record of that fact. If such person request in writing that he be notified regarding the condition of any such tobacco and agree to pay the cost of any telegraph or telephone toll charge the warehouseman shall notify such person in accordance with his request.

    (e) If the tobacco advertised in accordance with the requirements of this section has not been removed from storage by the owner thereof within seven days from the date of notice of its being out of condition, the warehouseman in whose warehouse such tobacco is stored may sell the same at public auction at the expense and for the account of the owner, after giving seven days’ notice of such proposed sale in the manner specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

    (f) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as relieving the warehouseman from properly caring for any tobacco after notification of its condition has been given in accordance with this section.

    (g) Records required to be kept by this section shall be retained, as a part of the records of the warehouse, for a period of six years after December 31 of the year in which created, and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouseman knows to be pending, or as may be required by the Administrator in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the Act.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0560-0120)