§ 783.3 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The definitions in part 718 of this chapter apply to TAP except when they conflict with paragraph (b) of this section.

    (b) The following definitions apply to TAP:

    Cutting means a vine, which was planted in the ground for commercial production of grapes, kiwi fruit, or passion fruit or similar fruit as approved by the Deputy Administrator.

    County office means the FSA or USDA Service Center that is responsible for servicing the farm on which the trees, bushes or vines are located.

    Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs, FSA, or a designee.

    Eligible bush means, a low, branching, woody plant from which an annual fruit or vegetable crop is produced for commercial purposes, such as a blueberry bush.

    Eligible orchardist means an individual, or legal entity, including an Indian tribe as defined under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; an Indian organization or entity chartered under the Indian Reorganization Act; a tribal organization as defined under the Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act; or, an economic enterprise as defined under the Indian Financing Act of 1974, which owns a tree, bush or vine as defined in this part.

    Eligible tree means, a tall, woody plant having comparatively great height, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, and a single trunk from which an annual crop is produced for commercial purposes, such as maple tree for syrup, papaya tree, or orchard tree. Plantain and banana plants are also included. Trees used for pulp or timber are not considered eligible trees under this part.

    Eligible vine means a plant with a flexible stem supported by climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface and from which an annual fruit or vegetable crop is produced for commercial purposes, such as grape, kiwi fruit, or passion fruit.

    Individual stand means an area of trees, bushes or vines that are tended by an owner as a single operation, whether or not such trees, bushes or vines are planted in the same field or similar location. Trees, bushes or vines in the same field or similar area may be considered separate individual stands if the county committee determines that the trees, bushes or vines are susceptible to losses at significantly differing levels.

    Lost means with respect to the extent of damage to a tree or other plant that the damage is such that it would, as determined by FSA, be more economically beneficial to replace the plant rather than to leave it in its deteriorated, low producing state.

    Natural disaster means plant disease, insect infestation, drought, fire, freeze, flood, earthquake, lightning, or other natural occurrence of such magnitude or severity so as to be considered disastrous, as determined by FSA.

    Normal mortality means the percentage, as established by the State Committee, of lost trees, bushes or vines in the individual stand that normally occurs in a 12-month period.

    Program year means a calendar year for which funding is available.

    Seedling means a tree, bush or vine which was planted in the ground for commercial purposes.