§ 783.5 - Application.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A complete application for TAP benefits and related supporting documentation must be submitted to the county office prior to the deadline FSA announces.

    (b) A complete application includes all of the following:

    (1) A form provided by FSA;

    (2) A written estimate of the number of trees, bushes or vines lost or damaged which is prepared by the owner or someone who is a qualified expert, as determined by the county committee;

    (3) The number of acres on which the loss was suffered; and

    (4) Sufficient evidence of the loss to allow the county committee to calculate whether an eligible loss occurred.

    (c) Before requests will be approved, the county committee:

    (1) Must make recommendations and an eligibility determination based on a complete application on those requests that it wants to refer to a higher approval official.

    (2) Must verify actual qualifying losses and the number of acres involved by on-site visual inspection of the land and trees, bushes or vines.

    (3) May request additional information and may consider all relevant information in making its determination, including its members own knowledge about the applicant's normal operations.