§ 80.6 - Eligibility for payment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To the extent applications for payment do not exceed $9 million, payments will be made under this program to any producer of fresh Irish potatoes who:

    (1) Provides fresh Irish potatoes that are free from any water damage and:

    (i) If intended for human consumption, meet the requirements of 7 CFR 51.1540-51.3006 U.S. Grade No. 2 (fairly clean); or

    (ii) If intended for livestock feed, meet the requirements of 7 CFR 51.3410-51.3418 U.S. Grade No. 2 Processing when whole, and are cut, chopped sliced, gouged, crushed, ensiled, or cooked to the degree that the potatoes are readily and obviously identifiable as having been rendered unsuitable to enter into normal channels of trade and commerce as determined by FSA or its representative;

    (2) Executes and files Form FSA-117 with the FSA county office responsible for the county where the producer's farm is located for FSA program purposes;

    (3) Receives approval for their application;

    (4) Completes form FSA-118 and whose fresh Irish potatoes are shipped in accordance with this regulation;

    (5) Diverts fresh Irish potatoes and submits required documentation by July 28, 1997, if Form FSA-117 is approved by USDA from May 29 through July 11, 1997; or diverts fresh Irish potatoes and submits required documentation by August 13, 1997, if Form FSA-117 is approved by USDA from July 14 through July 28, 1997; or diverts fresh Irish potatoes and submits required documentation by August 27, 1997, if Form FSA-117 is approved by USDA from July 29 through August 27, 1997. Allocations unused by the applicable date will no longer be available for that producer. Final dates to complete diversions and submit documentation may be waived by USDA if it is determined that severe weather conditions prevented the completion of the diversion during the allotted time period.

    (6) Files a claim as provided in § 80.10; and

    (7) Complies with all other terms and conditions in this subpart.

    (b) In the event applications for participation in the program authorized by this subpart exceed $9 million, USDA shall, at its sole discretion, determine which applications to accept.