§ 80.9 - Claim for payment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In order to obtain payment for shipments to charitable institutions, the producer must submit to the county FSA office which approved the application: A properly executed Form FSA-118; a copy of the Notice to Deliver sent from FSA, Kansas City Commodity Office, Kansas City, Missouri; a bill of lading showing shipment was made. All such claims must be filed no later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the applicable approved application. For those potatoes which fail to meet the definition of fresh Irish potatoes provided in § 80.3 or the eligibility requirements of § 80.6, the producer may request an appeal inspection; however, payment of the truck detention and storage charges will be the responsibility of the producer.

    (b) Livestock feed payments will be based on the percentage of the offered fresh Irish potatoes meeting U.S. Grade No. 2 Processing. In order to obtain payment the producer must submit to the county FSA office which approved the application a properly executed FSA-118, and a livestock feed recipient delivery receipt indicating hundredweight received, the date and name, address, and telephone number of the recipient.