§ 911.120 - Handler registration.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each handler who desires to handle limes pursuant to the exemptions in § 911.10 shall, prior thereto, register with the committee. Such registration shall be by application for registration filed with the Florida Lime Administrative Committee on a form, prescribed and furnished by the committee, which shall contain the following information:

    (1) Business name of applicant;

    (2) Applicant's business location and mailing address;

    (3) Type of business organization (individual, corporation, partnership, etc.);

    (4) If other than an individual, the names and addresses of officers, partners, and principal stockholders or others having financial interest in the business;

    (5) Nature of business (Handler trucker, wholesaler, etc.);

    (6) Number of years engaged in lime business;

    (7) Estimated seasonal volume of limes handled;

    (8) Name and address of three references, one of which shall be a bank;

    (9) Certification as to accuracy of information furnished; and

    (10) An agreement to comply with the provisions of this part.

    (b) When the committee receives an application for registration, it shall issue the applicant a certificate of registration, if it determines based upon an investigation that the applicant may be expected to handle limes in accordance with this part.

    (c) If it is determined from the available information that the applicant is not entitled to be registered with the committee, he shall be so informed by written notice stating why the certificate of registration was not issued.

    (d) Any certificate of registration issued to a handler pursuant to this section may be canceled by the committee under circumstances which would have justified denial of his application.

    (e) The committee shall suspend the certificate of registration issued under this section of any handler who fails to pay assessments or furnish reports as required under this part, and so advise the handler in writing of the suspension and the effective date. The committee shall lift such suspension at such time as the handler pays such assessments and furnishes such reports, and the committee determines that the handler may be expected to handle limes in the future in accordance with this part.