§ 911.50 - Exemption certificate.  

Latest version.
  • In the event the handling of limes is regulated pursuant to § 911.48, the committee shall issue one or more exemption certificates to any person who furnishes evidence satisfactory to the committee that, by reason of conditions beyond his control, he will be prevented, because of such regulation, from having as large a proportion of a particular variety of his limes handled as the average proportion of all such limes which may be handled. Such exemption certificates shall authorize the person to whom the certificates are issued to handle, or have handled, a percentage of his crop of the particular variety of limes equal to the percentage determined as aforesaid. The committee shall adopt, with the approval of the Secretary, procedural rules by which such exemption certificates will be issued and the limes covered thereunder may be handled. Exemption certificates shall be transferred to the handler of the limes covered by such certificates at the time the limes are delivered to such handler.