§ 917.178 - Peaches.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Report of daily packout. When requested by the Peach Commodity Committee, each shipper who ships peaches shall furnish to the manager of the Control Committee or when designated to the Federal-State Inspection Service a report of the number of packages by container type, by variety and by district or origin, which the shipper packed during the preceding day.

    (b) Recapitulation of shipments. Each shipper of peaches shall furnish to the manager of the Control Committee not later than November 15 of each year a recapitulation of shipments of each variety shipped during the just-completed season. The recapitulation shall show: The name of the shipper, the shipping point, the district of origin, the variety, and the number of packages, by size, for each container type. Each shipper also shall furnish to the manager not later than November 15, a recapitulation of shipments by that shipper's growers showing: each grower's name, address, telephone number, facsimile number (if applicable), and e-mail address (if applicable), and the total number of packages shipped by container or container equivalents for each grower.

    (c) Destination report. Each shipper who ships peaches shall furnish to the manager of the Control Committee a report of the number of packages of peaches shipped to each destination, and whether the peaches shipped were yellow-fleshed or white-fleshed, and whether the peaches were “CA Utility” quality: Provided, That handlers who shipped fewer than 50,000 containers or container equivalents of any combination of peaches, nectarines, and plums during the previous season are exempted from these reporting requirements: Provided further, That handlers who begin operation during or after the 2001 season shall be exempted from these reporting requirements during their first season of operation. The destination is defined as peach shipments to any domestic or international market. Destination information for domestic market shipments shall include the city and state, and zip code, if known. Destination information for international market shipments shall include the country to which shipped. This report shall be submitted by the fifteenth day of each month following the month in which peach shipments were made.