§ 928.26 - Vacancies.  

Latest version.
  • To fill any vacancy occasioned by the failure of any person selected as a member or as an alternate member of the committee to qualify, or in the event of the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of any member or alternate member of the committee, a successor for the unexpired term of such member or alternate member of the committee shall be nominated and selected in the manner specified in §§ 928.20, 928.22, and 928.23: Provided, That the committee may in its discretion submit its recommendation to the Secretary of a nominee eligible to serve in accordance with the requirements specified in § 928.20. To the extent practicable, the committee's recommended nominee for a grower member or alternate grower member position to represent a particular district shall be a grower recommended to the committee by the incumbent grower representatives of the committee from a particular district, or such nominee shall be a qualified grower recommended by the grower group with which the former member was associated immediately prior to vacating the position; and the recommended nominee for a handler member or alternate handler member position shall be the handler recommended to the committee by the incumbent handler representatives of the committee, or such nominee shall be a qualified handler recommended by the packinghouse with which the former member was associated immediately prior to vacating the position.