§ 948.387 - Handling regulation.

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  • § 948.387 Handling regulation.

    On and after August 1, 1982, no person shall handle any lot of potatoes grown in Area No. 3 unless such potatoes meet the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, or unless such potatoes are handled in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e), or (f) of this section.

    (a) Minimum grade and size requirements - All varieties.

    (1) U.S. No. 2 or better grade, 178 inches minimum diameter or 4 ounces minimum weight.

    (2) U.S. No. 1 grade, Size B (112 inches minimum to 214 inches maximum diameter).

    (3) U.S. No. 1 grade, 34 inch minimum to 178 inches maximum diameter.

    (b) Maturity (skinning) requirements - All Varieties. During the period beginning July 1 and ending December 31 each season for U.S. No. 2 grade, not more than “moderately skinned,” and for all other grades, not more than “slightly skinned”; thereafter no maturity requirements.

    (c) Inspection.

    (1) No handler shall handle any potatoes for which inspection is required unless an appropriate inspection certificate has been issued with respect thereto and the certificate is valid at the time of shipment. For purpose of operation under this part it is hereby determined pursuant to paragraph (d) of § 948.40, that each inspection certificate shall be valid for a period not to exceed five days following the date of inspection as shown on the inspection certificate.

    (2) No handler may transport or cause the transportation by motor vehicle of any shipment of potatoes for which an inspection certificate is required unless each shipment is accompanied by a copy of the inspection certificate applicable thereto and the copy is made available for examination at any time upon request.

    (3) Each handler who handles potatoes after such potatoes are regraded, resorted, or repacked shall have such potatoes reinspected, unless such handler has received a waiver from reinspection pursuant to rules established by the Secretary upon the recommendation of the committee.

    (d) Special purpose shipments.

    (1) The grade, size, maturity and inspection requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section and the assessment requirements of this part shall not be applicable to shipments of potatoes for:

    (i) Livestock feed;

    (ii) Charity;

    (iii) Canning, freezing, and “other processing” as hereinafter defined; and

    (iv) Certified seed potatoes (§ 948.6).

    (v) Experimentation and the manufacture or conversion into specified products.

    (2) The maturity requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this section shall not be applicable to shipments of potatoes for prepeeling.

    (e) Safeguards. Each handler making shipments of potatoes pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section shall:

    (1) Prior to shipment, apply for and obtain a Certificate of Privilege from the committee;

    (2) Furnish the committee such reports and documents as required, including certification by the buyer or receiver on the use of such potatoes; and

    (3) Bill each shipment directly to the applicable buyer or receiver.

    (f) Minimum quantity. For purpose of regulation under this part, each person may handle up to but not to exceed 2,000 pounds of potatoes per shipment without regard to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, but this exception shall not apply to any shipment of over 2,000 pounds of potatoes.

    (g) Definitions. The terms U.S. No. 1, U.S. No. 2, Size B, moderately skinned and slightly skinned shall have the same meaning as when used in the United States Standards for Grades of Potatoes (7 CFR 51.1540-51.1566) including the tolerances set forth therein. The term prepeeling means the commercial preparation in a prepeeling plant of clean, sound, fresh potatoes by washing, peeling or otherwise removing the outer skin, trimming, sorting, and properly treating to prevent discoloration preparatory to sale in one or more of the styles of peeled potatoes described in § 52.2422 United States Standards for Grades of Peeled Potatoes (7 CFR 52.2421-52.2433). The term other processing has the same meaning as the term appearing in the act and includes, but is not restricted to, potatoes for dehydration, chips, shoestrings, starch, and flour. It includes only that preparation of potatoes for market which involves the application of heat or cold to such an extent that the natural form or stability of the commodity undergoes a substantial change. The act of peeling, cooling, slicing, dicing, or applying material to prevent oxidation does not constitute “other processing.” The term manufacture or conversion into specified products means the preparation of potatoes for market into products by peeling, slicing, dicing, applying material to prevent oxidation, or other means approved by the committee, but not including other processing. All other terms used in this section shall have the same meaning as when used in Marketing Agreement No. 97, as amended, and this part.

    [47 FR 32911, July 30, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 7269, Mar. 10, 1987; 55 FR 41181, Oct. 10, 1990; 66 FR 49513, Sept. 28, 2001; 74 FR 65393, Dec. 10, 2009; 75 FR 17036, Apr. 5, 2010; 76 FR 80214, Dec. 23, 2011; 80 FR 3142, Jan. 22, 2015]