§ 953.43 - Minimum standards of quality.  

Latest version.
  • § 953.43 Minimum standards of quality.

    (a) Recommendation. Whenever the committee deems it advisable to establish and maintain minimum standards of quality governing the shipment of potatoes, it shall recommend to the Secretary such minimum standards of quality in terms of grades, sizes, or both, below which shipments are to be prohibited. At the time of submitting each such recommendation, the committee shall also submit to the Secretary the supporting data and information upon which it acted in making such recommendation. The committee shall submit in support of its recommendations such other data and information as may be requested by the Secretary, and shall promptly give adequate notice to all handlers and growers of each such recommendation.

    (b) Establishment. Whenever the Secretary finds, from the recommendations and information submitted by the committee, or from other available information, that to prohibit the shipment of potatoes below certain specified minimum grades, or smaller than certain specified minimum sizes, or both, would be in the public interest and would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall so prohibit the shipment of such potatoes. The Secretary shall immediately notify the committee of the issuance of each such regulation, and the committee shall promptly give adequate notice thereof to handlers and growers.

    (c) Modification or suspension.

    (1) The committee may recommend to the Secretary the modification, suspension, or termination of orders relating to minimum standards provided for or established pursuant to this subpart. If the Secretary finds, upon the basis of such recommendation and information, or upon the basis of other available information, that to modify, suspend, or terminate such orders relating to minimum standards of quality will tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall so modify or suspend such standards for

    (i) a specified period of time, or

    (ii) for an indefinite period of time.

    (2) The Secretary shall immediately notify the committee and the committee shall promptly give notice to growers and handlers, of any order issued by the Secretary modifying, suspending, or terminating any orders relating to minimum standards of quality established pursuant to, or provided for, in this subpart.