§ 96.2 - Terms defined.

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  • Words used in the regulations in this subpart in the singular form will import the plural, and vice versa, as the case may demand. As used throughout the regulations in this subpart, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms will be construed to mean:

    Blind check sample. A sample designated to check the routine analytical testing performance of the licensed USDA cottonseed chemist. The cottonseed is originally mixed in bulk quantities at a Division laboratory and packaged so that it is a representative portion for the samples forwarded to all chemists in a region under a certain number code. An oil mill representative and official cottonseed sampler repackage and identify the cottonseed as an official sample so that it would be blind or unknown as a check sample to the analyst.

    Commercial laboratory. A chemical laboratory operated by an individual, firm, or corporation in which one or more persons are engaged in the chemical analysis of materials for the public.

    Cotton gin. The machine or device used to separate the cotton fiber from the cottonseed.

    Cottonseed. The word “cottonseed” as used in this part means the seed, after having been put through the usual and customary process known as cotton ginning, of any cotton produced within the continental United States.

    Dispute. A disagreement between parties as to the true grade of a sample of cottonseed analyzed and graded by a licensed chemist.

    License. A license issued under the Act by the Secretary.

    Licensed cottonseed chemist. A person licensed under the Act by the Secretary to make quantitative and qualitative chemical analyses of official samples of cottonseed, according to the methods prescribed by the Director of the Division, and to certify the grade according to the official cottonseed standards of the United States.

    Licensed cottonseed sampler. A person licensed by the Secretary to draw and to certify the authenticity of samples of cottonseed in accordance with the regulations in this subpart.

    Lot. That parcel or quantity of cottonseed, offered for sale or tendered for delivery, or delivered on a sale or contract of sale, in freight cars, trucks, wagons, or otherwise in the quantities and within the time limits, prescribed from time to time by the Director of the AMS Cotton Division, for the drawing and preparation of official samples by licensed cottonseed samplers.

    Official cottonseed standards. The official standards of the United States for the grading, sampling, and analyzing of cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes, established May 23, 1932, and amendments thereto.

    Official sample. A specimen of not less than 2 pounds of cottonseed, drawn and prepared by a licensed cottonseed sampler and certified as representative of a certain identified lot, in accordance with the regulations in this subpart.

    Owner. A person who through financial interest owns or controls, or has the disposition of either cottonseed or of samples of cottonseed.

    Society. The American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS), P.O. Box 3489, 1608 Broadmoor Drive, Champaign, IL 61826-3489.

    Supervisor of cottonseed chemists. An officer of the Science and Technology Division designated as such by the Director.