§ 967.165 - Reports.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Pursuant to § 967.45, the following reports shall be furnished by each handler to the committee at such time and on such forms as it may request:

    (1) A report of daily celery handlings broken down by number of crates, sizes, and each producer thereof.

    (2) A weekly report of assessments due the committee.

    (b) Pursuant to § 967.37(c), the following reports shall be furnished by producers as a condition for obtaining, holding, or transferring Base Quantities or Marketable Allotments:

    (1) A weekly celery report showing acreage planted and harvested, and the number of crates harvested each day.

    (2) A weekly report by each producer who marketed celery verifying the number of crates marketed and the balance of such producer's Marketable Allotment.

    (3) Anticipated planting and harvesting schedule by each producer for the ensuing season, including total acres to be planted, beginning and ending dates of planting and harvesting, total production, for whom grown, and handler or handlers thereof.

    (4) A report by each producer of production when done under contract giving such information as location, total acres to be planted, beginning and ending dates of planting and harvesting, handler, breakdown of proprietary interest by blocks and percent of ownership of other producers who have an interest.

    (5) Pursuant to § 967.37, the committee shall be notified within a reasonable length of time by the executor, attorney, or receiver as applicable, following the death of a producer, or upon dissolution of any partnership, corporation or company which is a producer, who or which is a holder of a Base Quantity, of (i) the current status of the Base Quantity, and (ii) the final status or disposition of the Base Quantity.