§ 967.31 - Duties.  

Latest version.
  • The committees shall have, among others, the following duties:

    (a) To select from among its members and alternates such officers and subcommittees, and to adopt such rules or bylaws for the conduct of its business as it deems necessary;

    (b) To employ necessary personnel, including professional and technical services, fix their compensation and terms of employment;

    (c) To keep minutes, books and records which will reflect all the acts and transactions of the committee and which shall be subject to examination by the Secretary;

    (d) To prepare periodic statements of the financial operations of the committee and to make copies of each such statement available to producers and handlers for examination at the offices of the committee;

    (e) To cause the books of the committee to be audited by a certified public accountant at least once each marketing year and at such other times as the committee may deem necessary, or as the Secretary may request; to submit two copies of each such audit report to the Secretary, and to make available a copy which does not contain confidential data for inspection at the offices of the committee by producers and handlers;

    (f) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any producer or handler;

    (g) To investigate and assemble data on the growing, handling, and marketing conditions with respect to celery;

    (h) To submit to the Secretary such available information as he may request or the committee may deem desirable and pertinent;

    (i) To notify producers and handlers of all meetings of the committee to consider recommendations for regulations and of all regulatory actions taken affecting producers and handlers;

    (j) To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the committee and its subcommittees as is given to its members;

    (k) To investigate compliance and use means available to prevent violations of the provisions of this part; and

    (l) To consult, cooperate, and exchange information with other marketing agreement committees and other individuals or agencies in connection with all proper committee activities and objectives under this part.

    (m) To secure suitable candidates for the public member and alternate positions, and to nominate persons for such positions on the committee.