Subpart A - Order Regulating Handling  

Reports and Records
§ 967.70 - Reports.
§ 967.71 - Records.
§ 967.72 - Verification of reports and records.
§ 967.73 - Confidential information.
Expenses and Assessments
§ 967.60 - Expenses.
§ 967.61 - Assessment and requirements for payment.
§ 967.62 - Accounting.
§ 967.63 - Contributions.
Florida Celery Committee
§ 967.25 - Establishment and membership.
§ 967.26 - Eligibility.
§ 967.27 - Nominations.
§ 967.28 - Alternate members.
§ 967.29 - Procedure.
§ 967.30 - Powers.
§ 967.31 - Duties.
§ 967.32 - Selection and term of office.
§ 967.33 - Vacancy.
§ 967.34 - Expenses.
Marketing Research and Development
§ 967.44 - Research and development.
Other Regulations
§ 967.40 - Issuance of other regulations.
§ 967.41 - Handling for special purposes.
§ 967.42 - Safeguards.
§ 967.1 - Secretary.
§ 967.2 - Act.
§ 967.3 - Person.
§ 967.4 - Celery.
§ 967.5 - Production area.
§ 967.6 - Producer.
§ 967.7 - Handler.
§ 967.8 - Handle.
§ 967.9 - Marketing year, fiscal year or season.
§ 967.10 - Committee.
§ 967.11 - Crate.
§ 967.12 - Base Quantity.
§ 967.13 - Marketable Quantity.
§ 967.14 - Marketable Allotment.
§ 967.15 - Uniform percentage.
§ 967.16 - Grade and size.
§ 967.17 - Farm operation.
§ 967.18 - Flow-to-Market period.
§ 967.43 - Inspection and certification.
Volume Limitations
§ 967.35 - Marketing policy.
§ 967.36 - Marketable Quantity.
§ 967.37 - Base Quantities.
§ 967.38 - Marketable Allotments.
§ 967.39 - Transfers.
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 967.80 - Compliance.
§ 967.81 - Right of the Secretary.
§ 967.82 - Derogation.
§ 967.83 - Agents.
§ 967.84 - Effective time.
§ 967.85 - Termination.
§ 967.86 - Proceedings after termination.
§ 967.87 - Effect of termination or amendments.
§ 967.88 - Personal liability.
§ 967.89 - Duration of immunities.
§ 967.90 - Separability.