§ 997.5 - Peanuts.  

Latest version.
  • Peanuts means the seeds of the legume arachis hypogaea and includes both inshell and shelled peanuts, other than those marketed by the producer in green form for consumption as boiled peanuts.

    (a) Farmers stock. Farmers stock peanuts means picked and threshed peanuts which have not been shelled, crushed, cleaned or otherwise changed (except for removal of foreign material, loose shelled kernels and excess moisture) from the form in which customarily marketed by producers.

    (b) Segregation 1. Segregation 1 peanuts means farmers' stock peanuts with not more than 2 percent damaged kernels nor more than 1.00 percent concealed damage caused by rancidity, mold, or decay and which are free from visible Aspergillus flavus.

    (c) Segregation 2. Segregation 2 peanuts means farmers' stock peanuts with more than 2 percent damaged kernels or more than 1.00 percent concealed damage caused by rancidity, mold, or decay and which are free from visible Aspergillus flavus.

    (d) Segregation 3. Segregation 3 peanuts means farmers' stock peanuts with visible Aspergillus flavus.