§ 998.48 - Assessments.

Latest version.
  • (a) Each handler shall pay to the committee, upon demand, with respect to peanuts received by him, including his own production, his pro rata share of all expenses, indemnification and other, which the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the committee during each crop year. Each handler's pro rata share shall be the rate of assessment fixed by the Secretary per net ton of farmers stock peanuts received or acquired other than those peanuts described in § 998.31 (c) and (d). During a crop year the Secretary may not increase the rate of assessment to cover a deficit in the indemnification fund but may assess for a deficit in a subsequent year. An assessment rate may be increased to cover a deficit in the administrative fund.

    (b) In order to provide funds to carry out the functions of the committee, the committee may borrow money or may accept advance payments from any handler to be credited toward such assessments as may be levied pursuant to this section against the respective handler.

    (c) Indemnification reserve. The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish and maintain during one or more crop years a monetary reserve in an amount approximating anticipated expenses for indemnification pursuant to § 998.36.

    (d) Refunds. Administrative funds held by the committee at the conclusion of the crop year in excess of the crop year's expenses, other than indemnification funds, may be used to defray expenses for no more than the ensuing four months, and thereafter within a reasonable time the committee shall credit the aforesaid administrative excess to handlers who contributed to such excess: Provided, That the excess due any handler shall be applied, in whole or in part, by the committee to any outstanding obligation due the committee from such handler. Should any handler discontinue handling peanuts, such excess shall be refunded to him. A handler's share of such excess funds shall be the amount of such assessments he paid in excess of his actual pro rata share of the administrative expenses of the committee. Upon termination of this agreement any indemnification money in possession of the committee shall be turned over to any successor committee or disposed of, with the approval of the Secretary, for projects of benefit to the peanut industry and any residual together with any administrative money shall be distributed in such manner as the Secretary may direct: Provided, That, to the extent practicable, such residual funds shall be returned pro rata to the persons from whom collected.