§ 103.28 - Requests for correction of records.  

Latest version.
  • (a) How made. A request for amendment or correction is made by the individual concerned, either in person or by mail, by addressing the written request to the FOIA/PA Officer at the location where the record is maintained. The requester's identity must be established as provided in § 103.21 of this part. The request must indicate the particular record involved, the nature of the correction sought, and the justification. A request made by mail should be addressed to the FOIA/PA Officer at the location where the system of records is maintained and the request and envelope must be clearly marked “Privacy Correction Request.” Where the requester cannot determine the precise location of the system of records or believes that the same record appears in more than one system, the request may be addressed to the Headquarters FOIA/PA Officer, Immigration and Naturalization Service, 425 I Street, NW., Washington, DC 20536. That officer will assist the requester in identifying the location of the records.

    (b) Initial determination. Within 10 working days of the receipt of the request, the appropriate Service official shall advise the requester that the request has been received. If a correction is to be made, the requester shall be advised of the right to obtain a copy of the corrected record upon payment of the standard fee, established in 28 CFR 16.47. If a correction or amendment is refused, in whole or in part, the requester shall be given the reasons and advised of the right to appeal to the Assistant Attorney General under 28 CFR 16.50.

    (c) Appeals. A refusal, in whole or in part, to amend or correct a record may be appealed as provided in 28 CFR 16.50.

    (d) Appeal determinations. 28 CFR 16.50 provides for appeal determinations.

    (e) Statements of disagreement. Statements of disagreement may be furnished by the individual in the manner prescribed in 28 CFR 16.50.

    (f) Notices of correction or disagreement. When a record has been corrected, the responsible official as specified in § 103.10(a) of this part shall, within thirty working days thereof, advise all prior recipients of the record whose identity can be determined pursuant to the accounting required by the Privacy Act or any other accounting previously made, of the correction. Any dissemination of a record after the filing of a statement of disagreement shall be accompanied by a copy of that statement. Any statement of the Service giving reasons for refusing to correct shall be included in the file.