§ 245a.32 - Ineligible aliens.  

Latest version.
  • § 245a.32 Ineligible aliens.

    The following categories of aliens are ineligible for Family Unity benefits under the LIFE Act Amendments:

    (a) An alien who has been convicted of a felony or of three or more misdemeanors in the United States; or

    (b) An alien who has ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of an individual because of the individual's race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion; or

    (c) An alien who has been convicted by a final judgment of a particularly serious crime and who is a danger to the community of the United States; or

    (d) An alien who the Attorney General has serious reasons to believe has committed a serious nonpolitical crime outside the United States before the alien arrived in the United States; or

    (e) An alien who the Attorney General has reasonable grounds to believe is a danger to the security of the United States.