§ 381.29 - Suspension or other withdrawal of inspection service.

Latest version.
  • (a) Inspection service may be withdrawn in accordance with section 18 of the Act and the applicable rules of practice.

    (b) During a period of withdrawal, no processing of poultry or poultry products subject to the inspection requirements of the Act shall be carried on in the official establishment. However, any product which was inspected and passed prior to the withdrawal may be shipped from the official establishment, provided its identity was maintained, and it has not become adulterated or misbranded.

    (c) Inspection may be suspended, revoked, or terminated as provided in subsection 21(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended.

    (d) The assignment of inspectors may be termporarily suspended, in whole or in part, by the Administrator, to the extent he determines necessary to avoid impairment of the effective conduct of the inspection service when the operator of any official establishment or any subsidiary therein, or any officer, employee, or agent of any such operator or any subsidiary therein, acting within the scope of his office, employment, or agency, threatens to forcibly assault or fircibly assaults, intimidates, or interferes with any inspection service employee in or on account of the performance of his official duties under the Act, unless promptly upon the incident being brought by an authorized supervisor of the Inspection Service employee to the attention of the operator of the establishment the operator (1) Satisfactorily justifies the incident, (2) Takes effective steps to prevent a recurrence, or (3) Provides acceptable assurance that there will not be any recurrences. The suspension shall remain in effect until one of such actions is taken by the operator: Provided, That upon request of the operator he shall be afforded an opportunity for an expedited hearing to show cause why the suspension should be terminated.