§ 52.6 - Claims not allowed.  

Latest version.
  • § 52.6 Claims not allowed.

    (a) The Department will not allow claims arising out of the destruction of swine unless the swine have been appraised as prescribed in this part and the owners have signed a written agreement to the appraisals.

    (b) The Department will not allow claims arising out of the destruction of swine that have been moved or handled by the owner or a representative of the owner in violation of a law or regulation administered by the Secretary regarding animal disease, or in violation of a law or regulation for which the Secretary has entered into a cooperative agreement.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0137)

    [64 FR 2549, Jan. 15, 1999. Redesignated at 65 FR 20711, Apr. 18, 2000]